These pages are not abandoned. They are index pages that do not change. |
Click on images for closer view. |
TIP: 6 foot man in
1/144-scale = 1/2" tall
QS-scale = 1-1/2" tall
HS-scale = 3" tall
HO-scale = 3/4" tall or 13/16"
N-scale = 3/8" tall
S-Scale = 1-1/8" tall
103 Woman's High Button Shoes 3/4" long 2pcs. see Metals9 Women's |
104 Powder Box 5/16" dia. no longer available in metal but I do have some in resin see Metals9 Bathroom |
105 Flat Iron w/Stand 13/16" long 2 pcs. see Metals9 Sewing |
106 See Metals7 Frames |
107 Early American Oval Tray 1-3/4" long x 1-1/16" wide see metals 11 Trays |
108 Fancy Teapot 3/4" wide x 5/8" tall see Metals11 Coffee/Tea |
109 Rabbit 3/4" tall see metals5 Rabbits |
110 Old Telephone w/dial 1" tall 2 pcs. see Metals10 Phones |
111 Oval Fancy Doorknob 9/16" dia. see Metals8 Hardware |
112 Star Fancy Doorknob 3/8" dia. see Metals8 Hardware |
113 Flat Iron-Curve Handle 5/8" long see Metals9 Sewing |
114 Round Dish w/Petals 11/16" dia. see Metals11 Bowls |
115 Vase w/2 Handles 3/4" tall see Metals8 Outdoor |
116 J. F. Kennedy Bust 7/8" tall see Metals9 Statues |
125 Police Revolver 3/4"long see Metals8 Weapons |
126 Ornate Pitcher 1" tall see Metals11 Coffee/Tea |
134 Cement Trowel 1-1/4"long see Metals8 Tools |
135 Discontinued |
136 Dry Sink Pump 1-1/2" tall see Metals11 Cooking Tools |
137 Kerosene Lamp 1-1/4" tall see Metals10 Lighting |
138 2-Globe Table Lamp 1-3/4" tall see Metals10 Lighting |
141 Cookie Jar 3/4" tall see Metals11 for Cookies & Cutters |
142 Large Globe Table Lamp 1-1/4" tall see Metals10 Lighting |
143 Toy Battleship 1"long See Metals3-2 Boats |
144 Clipper Ship 1-1/8" long x 3/4" tall See Metals3-2 Boats |
145 Carriage Lamp 1 inch wide see Metals10 Lighting |
146 Porch Light, Round 1" long see Metals10 Lighting |
147 Round Plate, US Eagle 7/8" dia. See Metals11 Plates |
148 Round Plate, Ornate Dog 1" dia. see Metals11 Plates |
149 Old-fashioned Washboard 1-7/8" tall x 7/8"wide see Metals10 Cleaning |
150 Small Wood Keg Barrel 3/4"tall see Metals11 Cooking Tools |
151 Coal Shovel 1-1/4" long see Metals8 Fireplace |
152 Little Brown Jug 3/4"tall see Metals11 Coffee/Tea |
157 Eagle Bed Warmer 3-1/4"long see Metals8 Fireplace |
158 Woman's Low Heeled Shoes pair 3/4" long see Metals9 Women's |
159 Metal Design Pitcher 5/8" tall & wide see Metals11 Coffee/Tea |
160 Women's High Heeled Shoes pair 3/4" long see Metals9 Women's |
170 Hatchet 1-1/4" long see Metals8 Tools |
171 Ball Peen Hammer 1" long see Metals8 Tools |
172 Small Sledge Hammer 1" long see Metals8 Tools |
173-181 See Metals2 Dollhouse Dollhouse |
183 Eagle - Flat Door Plaque 1/2" x 3/8" see metal5 Birds |
184 Small Standing US Eagle 5/8" tall x 1/2" wide see metal5 Birds |
185 Child's Doll 1" tall $See Metals3-2 Dolls |
187 Sugar Bowl 1/2"tall see Metals11 Coffee/Tea |
188 Milk Can 1-1/4" tall see Metals10 Cans |
189 Small Cream Can 5/8" tall see Metals10 Cans |
190 Vertical Water Faucet 5/8" tall long see Metals8 Hardware |
191 Door Knocker 3/4" dia. see Metals8 Hardware |
192 Kentucky Long Rifle 4-3/8" long see metals8 Weapons |
193 3-pc. Place Setting about 3/4" long see Metals11 Cooking Tools |
![]() 193 Spoon 3/4" long see Metals11 Cooking Tools |
![]() 193 Fork 3/4" long see Metals11 Cooking Tools |
![]() 193 Knife 7/8" long see Metals11 Cooking Tools. |
193.5 Three piece half scale metal silverware set Each piece 1/2" long see metals3 Kitchen Accessories |
194 Lg. Coal Scuttle shown with 127 3/4" wide x 1" tall see Metals8 Fireplace |
195 Coffee Mill 1" tall 3 pcs. see Metals11 Coffee/Tea |
196 Hand Candle Holder 7/8" tall x 7/8" wide see Metals10 Lighting |
197 Wall Coat Hook 1/2" long x 1/2' tall see Metals8 Hardware |
199 1860 Navy Colt Pistol 1" long see metals8 Weapons |
![]() 200 Opera Glasses 1/2" wide x 5/8" tall see Metals10 Binoculars |
203 Small Pliers 1" long see Metals8 Tools |
204 Large Pipe Wrench 1-1/2" long see Metals8 Tools |
206 Pewter Candle Holder 1" tall x 3/8" dia. see Metals10 Lighting |
207 Colonial Keys w/Ring Ring 1/2" dia, total 3/4" see Metals8 Hardware |
208 Small Cook Pot/Cauldron w/Handle 3/8" tall x 5/8" dia see Metals11 Pans |
217 Colonial Fireplace Pot Holder 1-1/4" tall x 1-1/2" wide see Metals8 Fireplace |
218 Woman's Ice Skates pair 3/4" wide x 3/4" tall see Metals8 1:12 scale sports |
219 Portable Typewriter 1" wide x 1" deep see Metals10 Office |
220 Meat Grinder 1-1/8" tall see Metals11 Cooking Tools |
227 Ornamental Drawer Handle 1/2"long see Metals8 Hardware |
228 Teardrop Drawer Pull 1/4" dia. see Metals8 Hardware |
229 Round Ornamental Drawer Pull 5/16"dia. see Metals8 Hardware |
230 Ginger Man Cutter 5/8" long see Metals11 for Cookies & Cutters |
231 Barrel Pour Spout 1/2"wide x 1/2" tall see Metals8 Hardware |
232 Colonial School Slate or tray or mirror 5/8" tall x 3/4" wide see Metals10 Office |
233 Darning Egg 1/2" long see Metals9 Sewing |
234 Loving Cup/Trophy 3/4" tall x 1/2" dia. see Metals8 1:12 scale sports |
235 Ornate Dish 1" dia. see Metals11 Plates |
236 Ornate Store Balance Scale 3 pcs 1-1/4" wide x 3/4" tall Extra part goes on back see Metals10 Office |
237 Electric Sewing Machine 1-1/8" wide x 3/4" tall see Metals9 Sewing |
238B Bird House Wide 3/8" wide x 5/8" tall see Metals8 Outdoor |
239 Horse Shoe 1/2" wide see metals5 horses |
240 Ornate Silver Pitcher 3/8" dia. x 3/4" tall see Metals11 Coffee/Tea |
241 Escutcheon w/Keyhole 3/8" x 1/4" see Metals8 Hardware |
242 discontinued |
243 Kitchen Coffee Grinder 1/2" square x 1" at top of handle see Metals11 Coffee/Tea |
244 discontinued |
245 Kitchen Mixing Bowl 7/16 deep x 5/8" dia see Metals11 Bowls |
246 Coat Hanger 1-3/8" wide x 3/4" tall see Metals8 Hardware |
247 Shelf Bracket 7/8" pair see Metals8 Hardware |
248 Keyhole Doorknob 1/2"long see Metals8 Hardware |
249 Small Carving Knife 1" long see Metals11 Cooking Tools |
250 Silver Serving Spoon 1" long see Metals11 Cooking Tools |
251 Victorian Fence Section 3" wide x 3-1/2" tall see Metals8 Outdoor |
252 Victorian Fence Post 3-3/4" tall see Metals8 Outdoor |
253 Carter Grove Candlestick pair 1-3/4" tall see Metals10 Lighting |
256 See Metals7 Frames |
259 Bulk Ice Cream Paddle 3/4" long see Metals11 Soda Fountain |
260 Kitchen Spatula (also good for a cat box scoop) 1-1/8" long see Metals11 Cooking Tools |
267 Mortar & Pestle 1/2" tall see Metals9 Medical |
268 Sundae Bowl/Flower Bowl 5/16" dia. x 1/4" tall see Metals3 HS Housewares |
269 Colonial Street. Sign Hanger 1-3/4" long x 1" tall see Metals8 Hardware |
270 Colonial Tea Kettle 5/8" dia x 3/4" tall see Metals11 Coffee/Tea |
272 Kewpie Doll 1" tall see metal 3-2 Dolls |
273 Raggedy Ann 7/8" tall Flat Back or Round Back see metal 3-2 Dolls |
274 Letter Opener could also be a dagger or small sword 1" long see Metals10 Office |
275 Straight Razor 1" long see Metals9 Bathroom |
275 Safety Razor 1/2" long see Metals9 Bathroom |
276 Toy Violin 1-1/8" Bow sold separately See Metals3 Music |
![]() 276 Violin Bow 1" See Metals3 Music |
277 Washbowl & Pitcher 1" dia. bowl x 3/4" tall pitcher see Metals11 Coffee/Tea |
277 Washbowl Sold separately see 128 for Pitcher 1" dia. bowl see Metals11 Bowls |
278 Silver Salt & Pepper Shaker pair 3/8" tall see Metals11 Cooking Tools |
279 Large Goblet 1/2" tall see Metals11 Glasses |
280 Meat Clever 1-3/16" long x 3/8" wide see Metals11 Cooking Tools |
281 Double Boiler 3 pc. 1/2" dia. see Metals11 Pans |
282 Football 3/4" long see Metals8 1:12 scale sports |
283A Small Indoor Watering Can 3/8" dia. x 1-1/4 w x 1/2 t see Metals8 Outdoor |
283B Large Indoor Watering Can 7/16" dia. x 1-1/16 w x 3/4 t see Metals8 Outdoor |
284 Owl 3/4" tall x 1/4" dia. See metal5 Birds |
285 Kitten 1/2" w/o tail x 5/8" tall same as C21 see metals5 Cats |
286 Axe 1-3/4" long see Metals8 Tools |
287 Pick 1-3/4" long see Metals8 Tools |
288 Lexica Camera 3/8"long see Metals10 Cameras |
289 Microscope 1" tall x 3/8" wide see Metals9 Medical |
290 Kitchen Stove Coffeepot 5/8" tall see Metals11 Coffee/Tea |
291 Angel Cake Pan 3/4" dia. see Metals11 Pans |
292 Umbrella (closed) 2" long see Metals9 Men's |
293 Toy Airplane 5/8" wings see Metals3-2 Planes |
294 Creamer & Sugar pair 3/8" tall see Metals11 Coffee/Tea |
295 Garden Water Can 1/2" dia. x 1-1/2" wide see Metals8 Outdoor |
296 Coke Bottle 3/4" tall see Metals10 Bottles |
297 Shaving Mug & Brush set 1/4" wide x 3/8" tall see Metals9 Bathroom |
297 Mug only 1/4" wide x 3/8" tall see Metals9 Bathroom |
298 Cup & Saucer plate 1/2" dia. set Also available individually see Metals11 Cups |
299 Set of 4 Apothecary Jars 3/4" tall see Metals9 Medical |
300 Top Hat 3/4" x 1/2" see Metals9 Men's |
301-400 |
322 Town Crier's Bell 3/4" tall see Metals10 Music |
323 Gov. Silver Mug 3/4" Tall see Metals11 Cups |
324 Colonial Double Ink Stand 3/8" wide see Metals10 Office |
333 Large Colonial Cauldron 1/2" tall x 3/4" dia See metals3 pots & pans |
334 Piggy Bank 3/8" tall x 7/8"wide see Metals5 Misc. |
335 2-Pan Balance Scale 1/2" tall x 1-1/8"wide see Metals10 Office |
337 See Metals7 Picture Frames |
338 Toy Air Rifle (popgun) 1-1/2" long see metals8 Weapons |
339 Iron Skillet 7/8" long see Metals11 Pans |
340 Carpenter's Hatchet or Roofer's Hammer 1-1/8" long see Metals8 Tools |
341 Small Carpenter's Saw 1-3/8" long see Metals8 Tools |
342 Big Toy Battleship 1-1/4" long x 5/8" wide see metals3-2 Boats |
343 Portrait Camera 5/8" deep x 1/2" wide 3/4" tall Fits #356 Tripod see Metals10 Cameras |
344 Old Fashion Doorknob 3/4" long see Metals8 Hardware |
345 Old Ice Skate 1" long see Metals8 1:12 scale sports |
346 Garden Hand Trowel 1" long see Metals8 Outdoor |
347 Kitchen Paring Knife 1/2" long see Metals11 Cooking Tools |
348 Quart Milk Bottle 3/4" tall see Metals10 Bottles |
349 Half Pint Cream Bottle 3/8" see Metals10 Bottles |
350A Mouse 7/8" long with tail (1/2" w/o tail) 1/4" tall see Metal5 Rodents |
350B Mouse 3/8" long x 3/16" tall see Metal5 Rodents |
350C Mouse 3/8" long x 1/8" tall see Metal5 Rodents |
350D Rat 3/4" long x 5/6" tall see Metal5 Rodents |
351 Silver Goblet 1/2" tall see Metals11 Glasses |
352 Wisk Broom 3/4" tall see Metals8 Tools |
358 Dbl. Barrel shotgun 3-1/8" long See Metals8 Weapons |
359 Toy Rocking Horse 3/8" tall x 3/4" wide metals5 Horses |
360-A Dresden Figure 3/4" tall see Metals6 People figures |
360-B Dresden Figure 3/4" tall see Metals6 People figures |
361 See Metals2 Dollhouse Dollhouse |
362 Victorian Serving Tray 2-3/4" long x 7/8" wide see metals 11 Trays |
363 Victorian Candlestick pr. 1" tall see Metals10 Lighting |
364 Decanter 1-1/8" tall see metals 11 Server |
365 Mt. Vernon Candleholder 3/4" tall x 1/2" dia. see Metals10 Lighting |
366 Queen Ann Tea Tray 1-3/8" long x 1"wide see metals 11 Trays |
367 Sickle 1-1/2" long see Metals8 Outdoor |
![]() 368 Elephant Statue Large. 1/2" tall x 15/16" long See Metals5 Elephants |
![]() 368 Elephant Statue Small .3/8" tall x 3/4" wide See Metals5 Elephants |
369 Spyglass 1" long see Metals10 Binoculars |
370 Banjo 1-3/8" long see Metals3 Music |
371 Saxophone 1-3/8" long see Metals3 Music |
372 Federal Doorknocker 3/4" long 2 pcs. see Metals8 Hardware |
373 Cocktail Glass 3/8" tall see Metals11 Glasses |
374-L Trophy 3/4" tall see Metals8 Sports |
374-S Trophy 3/4" tall see Metals8 Sports |
![]() 375 Federal Andirons 4 pcs. 1-1/2" tall x 5/8" deep see Metals8 Fireplace |
376 Toy 1936 Auto same as A53 5/8"long See Metals3-2 Cars |
377 Champagne Glass 1/2" tall see Metals11 Glasses |
378 Donkey Statue 1-1/8"wide x 3/4" tall metals5 Horses |
379 Plant Hanger 1-1/8" long see Metals8 Outdoor |
381 Brandy Snifter 1/2" tall see Metals11 Glasses |
382 Modern Dinner Plate 7/8" dia. Matches 520, 723 A, B, C, & 687B see Metals11 Plates |
383 Shoe Roller Skates small pair 1/2" long see Metals8 1:12 scale sports |
383 Shoe Roller Skates Large pair 5/8" long see Metals8 1:12 scale sports |
384 See Metals7 Picture Frames |
389 Golf Club-Driver 2-1/4" long each see Metals8 1:12 scale sports |
389 Golf Club-Iron 2-1/4" long each see Metals8 1:12 scale sports |
389 Golf Club-Putter 2-1/4" long each see Metals8 1:12 scale sports |
390 Baby Mug/Spoon set 1/4" long see Metals9 Babies |
391 Parker Fountain Pen 1/2" long see Metals10 Office |
392 Victorian Plate Holder 1/2" long x 3/4" wide see Metals8 Hardware |
393 Saw/Miter Box box 3/4", saw 1-1/8" ee Metals8 Tools |
394 Medium Carpenter Saw 1-1/2" long see Metals8 Tools |
396 World Globe w/stand 1-1/2" tall see Metals10 Office |
397 Root Beer Mug 3/8" tall see Metals11 Cups |
398 Flat Trunk Lock 3/8" long see Metals8 Hardware |
400-A Toy Doll Hose Solid 1" same as A10 See Metals3-2 Structures |
400-B Toy Doll House Open 3/4" same as A9 See Metals3-2 Structures |
401-500 |
412 Shakespeare Bust 1" tall see Metals9 Statues |
413 Caesar Bust 1-1/2" tall see Metals9 Statues |
414 Josephine Bust 1-1/4" tall see Metals9 Statues |
415 Roman Boy Bust 1-1/4" tall see Metals9 Statues |
416 Roy Rocking Horse 3/4" x 7/8" metals5 Horses |
417 Kerosene Lantern 3/4" tall x 1/4" wide see Metals10 Lighting |
418 Wallpaper Brush 1/2" wide see Metals8 Tools |
419 Small Anvil 1-1/4" wide x 3/4" Tall see Metals8 Tools |
420 Cookie Sheet 1-1/4" long x 3/4"wide see Metals11 Pans |
421 Guitar 7/8" long see Metals3 Music |
422 Spanish Comb 9/16" long see Metals9 Women's |
423 Pug Door Stop or Pug Dog 1" tall see Metals5 Dogs |
424 See Metals7 Frames |
426 Alarm Clock Large 1/2" dia. see Metals8 Clocks |
426 Alarm Clock Small 3/8" dia. see Metals3 HS Housewares |
434 See Metals7 Frames |
440 See Metals7 Frames |
442 Cake Cover & Stand 2 pcs. 1-1/8" tall x 7/8" dia. see metals 11 Trays |
458 Toy Canoe 1-1/4" long Metals1 QS Sports |
459 Toy Row Boat 1" long Metals1 QS Sports |
460 Carpenter Square Small 5/8" long x 3/8" wide see Metals8 Tools |
460 Carpenter Square Large 1" long x 3/4" wide see Metals8 Tools |
461 - 464 See Metals7 Frames |
467 - 468 See Metals7 Frames |
483 - 489 See Metals2 Dollhouse Dollhouse |
516 & 517 See Metals7 Frames |
530 Sugar & Creamer set 1/2" wide x 1/2" tall see Metals11 Coffee/Tea |
531 Coat of Arms Plaque 1" x 3/4" tall see Metals8 Weapons |
532 Kitchen Center Faucet 7/8" long see Metals8 Hardware |
533 Baby Dish & Spoon 3 pcs. 1/2" dia. see Metals9 Babies |
534 Small Eagle Plaque 3/4" wide x 1/2" tall metals5 Birds |
536A Gravy Boat & Tray 2 pcs. 3/4" long x 1/2" tall see Metals11 Bowls |
536A1 Gravy Boat Tray Only 3/4" long can be used as small platter see Metals3 HS Kitchen accessories |
536A2 Gravy Boat 1/2" long see metals 11 Trays |
536B Gravy Boat & Tray 2 pcs. Tray 5/8" long, Gravy boat 1/2" tall see metals 11 Trays |
![]() 536B1 Tray Only Tray 5/8" long, see metals 11 Trays |
539 Short Hacksaw 1" long see Metals8 Tools |
540 Victorian Boot Scraper 1/4" tall x 1/2" long see Metals9 Men's |
541 Victorian Kitchen Matchbox 1/2" tall x 1/4" wide see Metals8 Fireplace |
542 Colonial Cross Buck Saw 2" wide x 1" tall see Metals8 Tools |
552 Large Saucer for Flower Pots 1/2" dia. x 1/8" tall (6 in stock) Metals3 HS Garden |
553 See Metals7 Frames |
555 Large Rocking Horse 1-1/4" long x 1" tall metals5 Horse |
556 Covered Roasting Pan 2 pcs 7/8" long x 1/2" wide see Metals11 Pans |
557 Knight Statue 1-1/2" tall see Metals8 Soldiers |
558 Lavabo Fish & Basin Fish 1-1/2" x 1-1/4' Basin 1-1/8" x 3/4" see Metals8 Outdoor |
577 Round Ornate Platter 1-1/2" dia. see metals 11 Trays |
578 Star Cookie Cutter 3/8" dia. see Metals11 for Cookies & Cutters |
579 Lg. Spade Shovel 2" long see Metals8 Outdoor |
#580 Kitten Food Bowls 5/16"dia. see metal5 Pet supplies |
581 Dog Food Bowl 1/2" dia. see metal5 Pet supplies |
582 See Metals7 Frames |
583 Lg. Fruit Bowl w/Design 1-1/8" dia. see Metals11 Bowls |
584 Kitchen Rolling Pin 1-1/4" long see Metals11 Cooking Tools |
585 Admiral Dewey Bust 1" tall see Metals9 Statues |
586 Thomas Jefferson Bust 1-3/8" tall see Metals9 Statues |
587 Lafayette Bust 1-1/2" tall see Metals9 Statues |
588 RCA Dog 1-3/8" tall x 1-1/2" wide see metals5 Dogs |
589 See Metals7 Frames |
590 Victorian Door Stop 3/4" tall x 1/2" wide see Metals8 Outdoor |
591 David Bust 1-3/4" tall see Metals9 Statues |
592 Santa Cookie Cutter 5/8" tall see Metals11 for Cookies & Cutters |
593 Baseball 1/4" dia. see Metals8 1:12 Sports |
594-A Curling Iron 7/8" long see Metals9 Bathroom |
594-B Curling Iron 1" long see Metals9 Bathroom |
595 Large Menorah Candelabra 1-3/8" tall x 1/2" wide see Metals6 Religious |
596 Weather Vane 3pcs. 2" wide x 2-1/8" tall see Metals8 Outdoor |
597-A Seder plate 1" dia. see Metals6 Religious |
597-B Seder plate 1" dia. see Metals6 Religious |
598 Ornate Oval Silver Tray 1-1/4" long x 1"wide see metals 11 Trays |
599 Baby Powder Can 1/2" tall see Metals9 Babies |
601 Vaseline Jar 1/4" dia. see Metals9 Babies |
602 Sitting Kewpie Doll 5/8" tall see metals3-2 Dolls |
603 Long Stem Clay Pipe 1-1/2" long see Metals9 Men's |
604 Four Knives & Rack Set 5 parts 1-1/2' tall x 1/2" wide see Metals11 Cooking Tools |
605 Cheeseboard w/cheese & knife 1" tall x 1/2" wide see Metals11 Food |
606 Ice Cube Tray 7/8" long x 1/4" wide see Metals11 Cooking Tools |
607 Cocker Spaniel Dog 1-1/2"long x 1-1/4" wide see metals5 dogs |
607 Cocker Spaniel Dog 1/4" dia. see Metals8 Hardware |
609 See Metals7 Frames |
610 Irish Setter Dog 1-5/8" tall x 1-3/4" wide see metals5 dogs |
611 Ice Cream in Dish 3/8" tall x 1/4" dia. see Metals11 Food |
612 Heinz Catsup Bottle 11/16" tall see Metals10 Bottles |
613 Heinz Pickle Jar 3/8" tall see Metals10 jar |
614 Heinz Chili Bottle 1/2" tall see Metals10 Bottle |
615 French's Mustard Jar 3/8" tall see Metals10 jar |
![]() #616 small Opera Glasses 1/4" tall x 5/16" wide see Metals3 Entertainment |
7-618 See Metals7 Frames |
628 Kewpie Bookends pair 5/8" tall x 1/2" wide see Metals10 Bookends |
629 Soup Bowl w/Handle 1/2" dia. see Metals11 Bowls |
630 Victorian Shoehorn 5/8" long see Metals9 Men's |
631 Victorian Buttonhook 5/8" long see Metals9 Women's |
632 Riding Boots 5/8" long x 3/4" tall pair see metals3-2 SW |
634 Quart Mill Carton 3/4" tall see Metals10 Cans |
635A-Girl Raggedy Ann 1" tall x 3/4" wide metals3-2 Dolls |
635B-Boy Raggedy Andy 1" tall x 3/4" wide metals3-2 Dolls |
636 Chinese Junk 5/8" tall x 1/2" wide see Metals3-2 Boats |
637 Tall Flower Vase 1" tall x 5/16" dia. see Metals8 Flowers |
638 Coat of Arms Escutcheon 1-1/2" tall x 1-1/6" wide see metals8 Weapons |
639A Aerosol Spray Can 1/2" tall see Metals10 Cans |
639B Aerosol Spray Can 1/2" tall see Metals10 Cans |
640 Turpentine Thinner Can 7/8" tall x 7/16" wide see Metals10 Cans |
642-A Bride/Groom Small Arch 1/2" tall see Metals11 Cooking Tools |
642-L Bride/Groom 3/4" tall see Metals11 Cooking Tools |
642-S Bride/Groom 1/2" tall see Metals11 Cooking Tools |
642-B Wedding Bells Topper 5/8" tall see Metals11 Cooking Tools |
656 -657 See Metals7 Frames |
666 Enfield Rifle 3-1/2" long see Metals8 Weapons |
667 Work Bench Vice 7/8" wide x 1/2" tall see Metals8 Tools |
668-A Plain Slippers pair 5/8" long see Metals9 Women's |
668-B Large Slippers w/Bow pair 5/8" long see S-89 for Small Slippers see Metals9 Women's |
669 See Metals7 Frames |
670 Oriental Statue 1-1/4" tall see metals6 Religious |
671-A Apollo 1" tall see Metals9 Statues |
671-B Crusader 1" tall see Metals8 Soldiers |
672-A Discus Thrower 1" tall see Metals9 Statues |
672-B Hercules 1" tall see Metals9 Statues |
673 Angel Cookie Cutter 1/2" long see Metals11 for Cookies & Cutters |
675 Clarinet 1-1/4" long see Metals10 Music |
675 Flute 7/8" long see Metals10 Music |
676 Small 9-Branch Candelabra 1" tall x 1-1/8" wide see Metals10 Lighting |
677 Large Ornate Candlestick 1" tall see Metals10 Lighting |
678 Large Hanukkah Menorah 1-3/4" long x 1-3/4" wide see Metals10 Lighting |
679 Wellington Bust 7/8" tall see Metals9 Busts |
680 Racquetball Racquet 1-1/4" long see Metals8 1:12 scale sports |
681 See Metals7 Frames |
682 Double-sided Buddha 1" tall x 3/4" wide see Metals6 Religious |
683 Tree Branch Candlestick pair 1-1/8" tall see Metals10 Lighting |
685-A Drafting Instruments Ruler 1-1/8" long see Metals10 Office |
685-B Drafting Instruments Parallel Ruler 7/8" long see Metals10 Office |
685-C Drafting Instruments French Curve 3/4" long see Metals10 Office |
685-D Drafting Instruments Protractor 3/4" long see Metals10 Office |
685-E Drafting Instruments Triangle 3/4" long see Metals10 Office |
685-F Drafting Instruments T-Square 1-5/8" long see Metals10 Office |
685-F Drafting Instruments T-Square 3/4" long see Metals10 Office |
685-H Drafting Instruments Slide Rule 3/4" long see Metals10 Office |
686B Minuteman 1" tall see Metals8 Soldiers |
686A Columbus 1" tall see Metals9 Statues |
687-A Dessert Plate 5/8" dia. see Metals11 Plates |
687-B Dessert Plate Matches 520, 382, 723 A, B, C 5/8" dia. see Metals11 Plates |
688 Spread Eagle 1-1/4" wide metals5 Birds |
690 Ginger Jar Set 1 large, 1 small 1/2" & 3/4" tall see Metals11 Cooking Tools |
691-A Victorian Toys Horse tram 1" long see Metals3-2 Trolleys |
691-B Victorian Toys Locomotive 3/4" long see Metals3-2 Trains |
691-C Victorian Toys Sternwheeler 3/4" long see Metals3-2 Boats |
691-D Victorian Toys Steamboat 3/4" long see Metals3-2 Boats |
691 Victorian Toys-E Auto 1/2" long see Metals3-2 Cars |
692 Cat w/Kitten same as C7 1" wide x 1" tall see metals5 Cats |
693 Saddle Shoes 3/4" long see Metals9 Women's |
694 Sneakers 3/4" long see Metals9 Men's |
695 Large Victorian Fire Engine 1" long see Metals3-2 Vehicles |
696 Kwan Yin Statue 1" tall see metals6 Religious |
697 Toothbrush Large 3/4" long see Metals9 Bathroom |
697 Toothbrush Small 5/8" long see Metals9 Bathroom |
698 Small Toothpaste 5/8" long see Metals9 Bathroom |
699 False Teeth Set 1/4" long see Metals9 Medical |
699½ Upper or Lower Teeth 1/4" long each see Metals9 Medical |
701A Nail Polish Bottle 3/8" tall see Metals9 Bathroom |
701B Nail File 5/16" long see Metals9 Bathroom |
702A Fancy Music Stand 3 pcs. 3" tall see Metals10 Music |
702A Fancy Music Stand 3 pcs. 3" tall see Metals10 Music |
703 Painter Palette w/paint brush and paint tube 3/4" dia. see Metals10 Artists Supply |
703 Painter Palette 3/4" see Metals10 Artists Supply |
703 Paint Brush 7/8" dia. see Metals10 Artists Supply |
703 Paint Tube 1/4" dia. see Metals10 Artists Supply |
704 Soldier on Horse 1-1/4" square see Metals8 Soldiers |
705-A 1950's Toy Auto 1 inch long same as A-54 see Metals3-2 Cars |
705-B 1950's Toy Auto same as A-62 see Metals3-2 Cars |
705-B 1950's Toy Auto 1-1/16" see Metals8 Outdoor |
707 Sam Johnson Toby Mug 3/4" tall see Metals11 Cups |
708 Victorian Plate Holder 7/8" wide x 5/8" tall see Metals8 Hardware |
709 - 711 See Metals7 Frames |
712 Male Gnome 1"tall See Metals 6 Fantasy |
712 Male Gnome 3/4" tall large & heavy see Metals11 Cups |
714 Long John Silver Mug 5/16"tall large & heavy see Metals11 Cups |
715 Sam Weller Character Mug 5/16"tall large & heavy see Metals11 Cups |
716 See Metals7 Frames |
717 Victorian Oval Silver Tray 1-1/2" long x 1" wide see metals 11 Trays |
718 Polaroid Camera 5/8" tall x 3/4" wide see Metals10 Cameras |
719 Pen Knife 1" long see Metals8 Tools |
723-C Appetizer Plate #382 3/4" dia. Matches 520, 382, 723 A, B, & 687B see Metals11 Plates |
724 Clipboard 1-1/8" tall x 3/4" wide see Metals10 Office |
726 Desk Stapler (new) 1/2" long see Metals10 Office |
726 Desk Stapler (old) 1/2" long see Metals10 Office |
727 See Metals7 Frames |
728 Silver Tray 1-3/4" w/handle see metals 11 Trays |
729 Garden Cultivator 3-Prong 3/4" long see Metals8 Outdoor |
730 Garden Pruning Shears 3/4" long see Metals8 Outdoor |
731 Garden Trimmer, Clipper 1" long see Metals8 Outdoor |
732 Toothbrush Holder 1/2" long see Metals9 Bathroom |
733 Compl. Angler Character Mug 3/4" tall large, heavy see Metals11 Cups |
734 Pied Piper Character Mug 5/8" tall large, heavy see Metals11 Cups |
736 Chinese Teapot 3/4" tall see Metals11 Coffee/Tea |
737 Oriental Lady with Shawl 1-1/4" tall see metal6 People Figures |
![]() 760 Venus De Milo 1-1/8" tall see Metals9 Statues |
762 - 767 See Metals7 Frames |
768 Rampant Unicorn 1" tall x 7/16" wide metals6 Fantasy Figures |
769 Unicorn Head 3/4" tall x 1/2" wide metals6 Fantasy Figures |
770 Bathroom Scale square 5/8" wide x 7/8" long see Metals9 Bathroom |
772 Rodin's Thinker 3/4" tall see Metals9 Statues |
773 Copenhagen Water Spout 3/4"tall see metal6 Fantasy |
774B Southern Belle 3/4" tall see metal6 People Figures |
775-A Truck same as A-43 5/8" long Metals3-2 Vehicles |
775-B Fire Engine Same as A50 3/4" long $Metals3-2 Vehicles |
775-C Tractor same as A-51 & M-42 1/2" long Metals3-2 Vehicles |
776 Desk Telephone 1" wide see Metals10 Phones |
781 Shakespeare Bookends Large 7/8" tall see Metals10 Bookends |
781 Shakespeare Bookends Small 5/8" tall see Metals10 Bookends |
782 Open Touring Car 1915 same as A49 1" long $0.80 Metals3-2 Vehicles |
783 Model T open same as A42 7/8" long Metals3-2 Vehicles |
788 Revere Plate 1" dia. see Metals11 Plates |
789 Ben Franklin Statue 3/4" tall see Metals9 Statues |
790 Victorian Lamp Base 1-1/4"tall see Metals10 Lighting |
791 See Metals7 Frames |
792-A. Madonna 7/8" tall metal6 Religious |
792-B. St. Francis 3/4" tall metal6 Religious |
792-C. St. Anthony 3/4" tall metal6 Religious |
792-D. Pieta 3/4" tall metal6 Religious |
793 Victorian Vase 3/4" tall see Metals8 Outdoor |
794 Carpenter's File 1-5/16" long see Metals8 Tools |
795 Small Screwdriver Matches 527-B 3/4" long see Metals8 Tools |
796 Ski Boots 2 1/2" long see Metals8 1:12 scale sports |
797 Cheerleader's Boots 4 pcs 1/2" long see Metals8 1:12 scale sports |
798 Modern Push Button Desk Phone 1/2" square see Metals10 Phones |
799 Victorian Candelabra 1-1/4" tall see Metals10 Lighting |
800 Small Menorah-A 1" tall see Metals10 Lighting |
800 Small Menorah-B 3/4" tall see Metals10 Lighting |
801 Poker Chip Rack 1/4" tall see Metals3-2 Banks & Games |
802 Trojan Warrior 1" tall see Metals8 Soldiers |
803 Aphrodite 1-1/8" tall see Metals9 Statues |
804 Walking Kitten 11/16" long x 11/16"at tallest same as C11 metals5 Cats |
806 See Metals7 Frames |
807 Toilet Paper Holder 3/16" wide see Metals9 Bathroom |
808 - 809 See Metals7 Frames |
811 Electric Toaster 5/8" wide x 9/16" tall see Metals11 Appliances |
812 Swan Planter 1/2" tall x 1/2" wide see Metals8 Outdoor |
813 Telescope on Tripod 3 pcs. about 4" tall 2-5/8" long see Metals10 Binoculars |
814 Majorette Baton 1-3/8" long see Metals8 1:12 scale sports |
851 Toy Lion 3/4" tall x 1/2"wide see Metals5 Cats |
852A Toy Cat 1/2" tall see Metals5 Cats |
852B Toy Dog 1/2" tall see Metals5 Dogs |
854 Toy Tractor same as A-46 1/2"long See Metals3-2 vehicles |
855 Kitchen Hand Beater 3/4" tall see Metals11 Cooking Tools |
856 Small Pliers 1/2" long see Metals8 Tools |
857 C-Clamp 7/8" long see Metals8 Tools |
858 Robot Large 1" tall x 1/2" dia. See Metals3-2 TV |
858 Robot Small 1/2" tall See Metals3-2 TV |
859 Bunny 1/2" tall x 5/8" long see metals5 Rabbits |
860 Elephant Pull Toy 3/4" wide x 1/2"tall See Metals3-2 Misc. other toys |
869 -
870 See Metal2 Dollhouse
Dollhouse |
871 Toy Gun in Holster 1/2" long see metals8 Weapons |
872 Small Western Hat 7/8" long x 3/4" wide see metal3-2 SW |
873 Large Western Hat 1-1/8" long x 1" wide see metal3-2 SW |
886 Santa w/bag 3/4" tall metals6 Christmas |
886 Santa w/tree 3/4" tall metals6 Christmas |
887 Small Dolls' Sleigh 1/2" long x 5/16" tall See metals6 Christmas |
888-A Crouching Cat same as C10 1-1/4" long see metals5 Cats |
Small 888-B 1" long x 3/16" tall same as C20 see metals5 Cats |
889 Delft Clock 1-1/4" tall see Metals8 Clocks |
890 Princess Phone 1" see Metals10 Phones |
891 Skateboard 1-1/4" long see Metals8 1:12 scale sports |
892 Birthday Cake 3/4" tall x 1/2" dia. see Metals11 Food |
893 Decorated Easter Egg 1/2" dia. see Metals11 Food |
894 Oval Tray 1-5/8"long see metals 11 Trays |
895 Hot Water Bottle 1" long see Metals9 Medical |
896 Goudy Victorian Family of Four Mother 1" tall metal6 People Figures |
896 Goudy Victorian Family of four Father 1" tall metal6 People Figures |
896 Goudy Victorian Family of four Daughter 3/4" tall metal6 People Figures |
897-S Christmas Trees 5/8" See metals6 Christmas |
898A Square Garden Hand Cultivator 3/4" long see Metals8 Outdoor |
898B Pointed Garden Hand Cultivator 3/4" long see Metals8 Outdoor |
899 3 Bears Set 1/2", 3/8", 3/16" tall see Metasls5 Bears |
900 Wind-up Chicken 1/2" tall see Metal3-2 Misc. Toys |
901 Plant Hanger 3/4" long see Metals8 Outdoor |
902 Swivel Plant Hanger 2 pcs. 1-1/4" wide x 1" tall see Metals8 Outdoor |
903 Child's Ice Skates pair 1/2" long see Metals8 1:12 scale sports |
905 Sleeping Cat Same as C-13 1-1/4" dia. see metals5 Cats |
906 Men's Loafer Shoes pair 7/8" long 2 pcs. see Metals9 Men's |
907 Bunny Planter 1/2" long see metals5 Rabbits |
908B Snorkel 1" long see Metals8 1:12 scale sports |
908C Scuba Mask 1/2" dia. see Metals8 1:12 scale sports |
909 Circus Elephant 3/4" tall see Metals5 Elephants |
910A Waving Clown 7/8" tall Metals3-2 Clowns |
910B Clown standing on Hand 1" tall Metals3-2 Clowns |
910C Clown Dancing 1" tall Metals3-2 Clowns |
911 Strap Roller Skate w/ key 3 pcs. 1/2" long see Metals3-2 Sports |
![]() 919 Cabbage Patch Doll boy 1-1/2" tall See Metals 3-2 Dolls |
![]() 919 Cabbage Patch Doll girl 1-1/2" tall See Metals 3-2 Dolls |
920 Train Set 13 pcs. 3-1/4 L x 2"W x 1/2" tall See Metals 3-2 Trains |
921 Double-Sided Bear 5/8" tall see Metasls5 Bears |
922 Potato Peeler 15/16" long see Metals11 Cooking Tools |
923 Wooden Spoon 1" long see Metals11 Cooking Tools |
924 Rubber Spatula 7/8" long see Metals11 Cooking Tools |
925 Elf on log 1/2" dia. x 1" tall see metals6 Christmas |
935 Barometer 2" long see Metals8 Clocks |
936D Goose Pull Toy 1" long x 5/8"tall Metals3-2 Misc. toys |
937 Crutches 3" long see Metals9 Medical |
938 Tiny elf 1/2" tall see metals6 Christmas |
939 Bear Cookie Cutter 1/2" tall see Metals11 for Cookies & Cutters |
939 Bunny Cookie Cutter 1/2" tall see Metals11 for Cookies & Cutters |
![]() 940 Et 1"tall metals3-2 TV |
![]() 940Gremlin 1"tall metals3-2 TV |
941 Santa Cookie Jar 3/4" tall x 1/2"wide see metals6 Christmas |
942 Bunny Slippers pair. 1/2"long see Metals9 Babies |
943 Rocking Goose 1" tall x 1"wide Metals3-2 Misc. toys |
944 Clown Pull Toy 2pcs. 1-1/4" long x 1"tall metals3-2 Clowns |
945 Wooden Train 1-1/2"long metals3-2 Trains |
946 Scale of Justice 1"tall x 1-1/4"long see Metals8 Work Related |
947 Peter Rabbit 1"tall see metals5 Rabbits |
948 discontinued |
949 Trophy Baseball 1-1/8"tall see Metals8 1:12 scale sports |
949 Trophy Football 1-1/8"tall see Metals8 1:12 scale sports |
949 Trophy Golf 1-1/8"tall see Metals8 1:12 scale sports |
If you don't see what you want listed in the table above or the one on Metals4 be sure to ask. They have hundreds of things that are not in the the catalog. |
BACK Metals4 One Inch
Scale Metals
See scanned Pages for photos of un-pictured numbers below.
See Below for some items that I don't have photos of yet!
Painting Tips To paint metal miniatures, first prime with Zinssar Bullseye 1-2-3 Primer, made specially for metal, glass and plastic. (available at home improvement centers, paint stores and hardware stores) After the metal miniatures are primed, you can paint with any craft paint, and then either paint or spray with a sealer like polyurethane or other clear acrylic sealer. |
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All Photographs on this site are the property of Virtual Dollhouse and its advertisers. Anyone using the photographs without the permission of the owners will be prosecuted. Home Page: Virtual Dollhouse |