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Grace Shaw
5137 Hoffmanville Road
Manchester, MD 21102-2234
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Revised 01/26/2025

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Quarter Scale Building Supplies

Lattice & Fencing - QS
Also see Grandt-Line For more Windows, Doors and Architectural Items
Special Order can take up to 2 months to get
See supplies for SPSC-1 Solvent Cement for these and other MBS plastic products

FEN-419 Vertical Picket Fence
 FEN-419 Vertical Picket Fence
(O, 1/4", 1:50)
";  L:112mm,
4- 7/16
Pkg. contains 448mm,  17- 3/4"
$15.95 (1 in stock)

FEN-413 Vertical Bar Fence
 FEN-413 Vertical Bar Fence
 (O, 1/4", 1:50)
H: 41mm, 1-5/8"; L: 127mm 5"  Pkg. contains 508mm,  20"
  $15.95 (1 in stock)

 FENG-413 Fence Gate
 FENG-413 Fence Gate
H:50mm, 2"; W:42mm,
1- 5/8" Pkg. contains 1 gate

$5.23 (2 in stock)

FEN-410 Vertical Privacy Fence
FEN-410 Vertical Privacy Fence
(O, 1/4", 1:50) H:43mm,
 1 3/4";  L:106mm, 4-3/16"     
Pkg. contains 428mm,
16-1/2"About 16" per pack (4 pieces)

$15.95 (3 in stock)

Rail-4S  Deck Rail
 Rail-4S  Deck Rail
(O, 1/4", 1:50)
H:25mm, 1";   L:57mm
2- 3/16"Injection molded white styrene

 20" long x 1" tall
$6.95 (4 in stock)

 (O, 1/4", 1:50)
H:25mm, 1"; L:129mm, 5" Pkg. contains 416mm,  20"  Railing specially designed to use as deck railing. It has posts attached to the outside and matches the design of the stair railing below. Injection molded white styrene.(4 pack)
 $14.95 (3 in stock)

 GRW-4 Vertical Picket Fence
 GRW-4 Vertical Picket Fence
 (scale O, 1/4", 1:50)
H:17mm, 11/16";  L:127mm, 5" Pkg. contains500 mm  20"
  $11.90 each (4 in stock)

#LAT-60 Diamond Lattice 2MM
#LAT-60 Diamond Lattice 2MM
3/32 diamonds, white styrene  L: 92mm  3-5/8"; W:51mm, 2"  Pkg. contains 2 pieces. Can be used for 1/4 scale privacy fence, 1/2 scale for doors,
under deck privacy and much more.
2-1/6" x 3-5/6" (2 sheets)

$7.95 (4 in stock)

FEN-4801 Fence Pillars w/Fence Inserts
FEN-4801 Fence Pillars w/Fence Inserts
Approximately 39" 5-snap together lengths
See supplies for SPSC-1 Solvent Cement for these and other MBS plastic products
$15.95 (1 in stock)

FEN-4803  Fence Pillars w/Fence Inserts
FEN-4803  Fence Pillars w/Fence Inserts
Approximately 39" 5-snap together lengths
See supplies for SPSC-1 Solvent Cement for these and other MBS plastic products
$15.95 (2 in stock)

PILL-48B Brick Pillar
PILL-48B Brick Pillar
1-5/16" Tall
See supplies for SPSC-1 Solvent Cement for these and other MBS plastic products
$5.70 (3 in stock)

PILL-48S Stone Pillar
PILL-48S Stone Pillar
See supplies for SPSC-1 Solvent Cement for these and other MBS plastic products
1-5/16" Tall
$5.70 (3 in stock)

Laser Cut Stair Stringers - Wood Fencing - Stone Walls -  Brick Foundations

3502 Stair Stringers and Treads
six stringers
$10.95 (1 in stock)

2504 Slope-Top Picket Fencing
4- 10 inch sections (40')
$11.95 (3 in stock)

L4503 Cut-Stone Wall
9 rows, laminate sheet, peel & stick 75Sq. in
printed section is 11" x 7" rows are 3/16" tall
 bricks vary in size. 36 row per sheet.
$13.45 (2 in stock)

D2520 Laser Scribed Brick Foundation
12" long, 1/4" tall, 1/16" thick
$3.60 strip (1 in stock)

Plastic Windows & Doors - QS
Quarter Scale (1:48)

Also see Grandt Line Window  & Doors
See supplies for SPSC-1 Solvent Cement for these and other MBS plastic products

 WIN 505  Windows & door
 WIN 505  Windows & door
 3 windows, 1 door - (1/4", 1:50) Door size: 3/4" x 1 3/4" (18mm x 44mm)
$5.95 (3 in stock)

1-1/2" x 1-9/16" (64mm x 36mm)
$5.50 (3 in stock)

WIN-501 Windows
WIN-501 Windows
 3 per pkg.  White injection molded styrene. Beautifully detailed.
Actual widths of
WINS 1-2-3
1", 25mm; 1-1/2", 38mm; 1-1/4", 32mm3

$5.50 (3 in stock)

WIN-503 Windows
 WIN-503 Windows
3 per pkg.  White injection molded styrene. Beautifully detailed. Actual widths of WINS
1-2-3; 1", 25mm; 1-1/2", 38mm; 1-1/4", 32mm
$5.50 (2 in stock)

WIN-502 Windows
 WIN-502 Windows
3 per pkg.  White injection molded styrene. Beautifully detailed. Actual widths of WINS
 1-2-3  1", 25mm; 1-1/2", 38mm; 1-1/4", 32mm
$5.50 (1 in stock)

Architectural Pieces - QS
Special order prices may change without notice
Also See Grandt Lines - Architectural
See supplies for SPSC-1 Solvent Cement for these and other MBS plastic products

 VICT-84 Victorian Trim Gingerbread
 VICT-84 Victorian Trim Gingerbread
(1/4", 1:50) H:6mm, 1/4";  L:84mm, 3-3/8"
Pkg. contains 336mm, 13 1/2"
White injection molded styrene
$13.45 (2 in stock)

Tile & Floor Sheets - QS
See Lumber Yard for Mirror Tile

MH5920 - No Wax Floor, Small
MH5920 - No Wax Floor, Small
1/8" Squares, Off White
Sheet Size: 7 3/8" X 10 3/8"

$6 (4 in stock)

SQ-4C Square Tile Clear
 SQ-4C Square Tile Clear
1/4" tiles
 (7"x12"); 4 per inch

$4.99 each (1 in stock)

SQ-4W White Tiles
 SQ-4W White Tiles
  (7"x12") 4 per inch
White- 1/4" tiles
$4.99 (3 in stock)

MH5923 - No Wax Floor, Small
MH5923 - No Wax Floor, Small

1/8" Squares, Pink
Sheet Size: 7 3/8" X 10 3/8"

$6.00 (3 in stock)

MH5925 - No Wax Floor, Small
MH5925 - No Wax Floor, Small

1/8" Squares, Off White & Blue
Sheet Size: 7 3/8" X 10 3/8"

$6.00 (1 in stock)


SHG Pixiewoods QS Parquet Flooring
SHG Pixiewoods QS Parquet Flooring - Mansoina (dark)
Covers 20 SQ. Inches
1/4" square x -.41 thick
$9.50 (2 in stock)

SHG Pixiewoods QS Parquet Flooring - Beech (light)
Covers 20 SQ. Inches
1/4" square x -.41 thick
$9.50 (2 in stock)


Mirror Craft
Mirror Craft
6" x 3.25
$1.90 each (green, blue, gold, bronze, brass, dark grey, pink, copper, purple)

Marble Tiles
Marble Tiles
Two 4" X 6" sheets per pkg ) Peel & Stick. Covers an area 6x8. Easy to cut - score on marble side with sharp knife, then break along line....Tiles are one inch square but can be cut smaller.
$9.50 package
1 MT12BL blue/black marble in stock
(available in & red- also plain white or plain black)
See Lumber Yard

Mirror Craft
6.5" x 12"
5 Silver, 3 Blue
$12.50 per sheet
See Lumber Yard for Mirror

Laser Cut Brick Sheets - QS

L1502 Laser Cut Aged Common Brick

L2502 Laser Cut Aged Brick Trim Sheet2

L1502 Laser Cut Aged Common Brick
sheets 12" x 8" sheets, adhesive backing
$19.00 (3 in stock)

L2502 Laser Cut Aged Brick Trim Sheet2
sheets 12" x 8" sheets, adhesive backing
$14.94 (1 in stock)

Siding, Flooring , Roofing & Finishing Sheets
Plastic textured pattern sheets. Molded in 0.20 inch styrene sheet. They are easy to paint and provide realistic surfaces. QS = quarter scale; HS = half scale (some smaller scales in stock but not pictured separately).  Other scales are available by special order. Be sure to check other scales pages for other sheets for other uses.
 Please use Order Code when inquiring. (Use Gloop glue for best gluing results, see below.)

QS Finishing Sheets
See supplies for SPSC-1 Solvent Cement for these and other MBS plastic products

 BR-4 Brick
 BR-4 Brick
$5.25 each (4 in stock) 

 BL-4 Concrete Block
 BL-4 Concrete Block
$5.25 each (6 in stock)

DSLG-4 Dressed Stone
DSLG-4 Dressed Stone
 $5.25 each (1 in stock)

DRG-4 Stone Flooring
 DRG-4 Stone Flooring
$5.25 each (1 in stock)

FS-4 Fieldstone
 FS-4 Fieldstone
$5.25 each (2 in stock)

 INTH-4 Interlock Pavers
 INTH-4 Interlock Pavers
$5.25 each (3 in stock)

RBR-4RB Rough Brick
 RBR-4RB Rough Brick
$5.25 each (2 in stock)

RCT-4 Clay Roof Tiles
 RCT-4 Clay Roof Tiles
   (7"x12") individual tile size 3/16" x 3/16"
$5.25 (4 in stock)

(7"X 12")
$5.25 (1 in stock)

 WSRS-4 Cedar Roof
 WSRS-4 Cedar Roof
$5.25 each (3 in stock)

SCG-4 Irregular Stone
SCG-4 Irregular Stone
$5.25 each  (1 in stock)

SRT-8 Spanish Roof
SRT-8 Spanish Roof
(1:100  7" x 12") individual tile size 1/16" x 1/8"
Also works for QS

$5.25 See 144 Houses

SH-4 Clapboard Siding
 SH-4 Clapboard Siding
3/16" spacing 7 x 12"
$5.25 (4 in stock)

SH-8 Clapboard Siding
SH-8 Clapboard Siding
1/8" spacing 7"x12"
$5.25 (5 in stock)

RGP-4 Random Pebbles
  RGP-4 Random Pebbles
 $5.25 each (3 in stock)

SCS-8M Corrugated Metal (plastic)
SCS-10M Corrugated Metal (plastic)
(7"X 12")
$5.25 (1 in stock)

SCS-8M Corrugated Metal (plastic)
 SCS-8M Corrugated Metal (plastic)
(7"X 12")
$5.25 (10 in stock)


Roofing Shingles - QS
Also see finishing sheets above, Grandt-Line
 Sheets are 11.5 inches long.
If you plan to paint them, do so after they are instialled.

5501 Three-Tab Shingles -
 Grey Pearl

Adhesive Backed. 90 Sq. Inches (2 sheets)
$12.85  (2 in stock)

5502 Simulated  Cedar Shake Shingles
5502 Simulated  Cedar Shake Shingles -Grey Pearl
 Adhesive Backed. 90 Sq. Inches (2 sheets)
$12.85  (3 in stock)

5503 Octagon-Cut Shake-
Grey Pearl

 Adhesive Backed. 90 Sq. Inches (2 sheets)
$12.85  (2 in stock)

5504 Simulated  "V" Cut Shake Shingles
5504 Simulated  "V" Cut Shake Shingles - Manila
  90 Sq. Inches (2 sheets)
$12.85 (3 in stock)

5505 Simulated "12" Round Cut Shake Shingles
 5505 Simulated "12" Round Cut Shake Shingles - Manila
 Adhesive Backed. 90 Sq. Inches (2 sheets)
$12.85 (2 in stock)

5506 3D Octagon Cut Shingles
 5506 3D Octagon Cut Shingles - Manila
 90 Sq. Inches (2 sheets)
$12.85 (3 in stock)

5507 Simulated Straight Cut Bottom Cedar Shake Shingles
5507 Simulated Straight Cut Bottom Cedar Shake Shingles
Grey Pearl

 Adhesive Backed. 90 Sq. Inches (2 sheets)
$12.85 (3 in stock)

5508 Simulated "9" Round Cut Shake Shingles
5508 Simulated "9" Round Cut Shake Shingles Grey Pearl
 Adhesive Backed. 9o Sq. Inches (2 sheets)
$12.85 (3 in stock)

5510 Siding Shingles
5510 Siding Shingles Manila
  90 Sq. Inches (2 sheets)
$12.85 (2 in stock)

5511 Dragon-Scale Shake
Grey Pearl
Adhesive Backed
  90 Sq. Inches (2 sheets)
$12.85 (3 in stock)

5513 Mixed Slate Roofing Shingles
Grey Pearl
Adhesive Backed
  90 Sq. Inches
$12.85 (2 in stock)

5514 Square Cut -Slate
Grey Pearl
Adhesive Backed
  90 Sq. Inches (2 sheets)
$12.85 (3 in stock)

5515 Fish-Scale Slate
Grey Pearl
Adhesive Backed
  90 Sq. Inches (2 sheets)
$12.85 (1 in stock)





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Also See Quarter Scale:  QS Wallpaper  Also see Wallpaper available in Quarter Scale
QS1 Finished items, dishes, foods, furnishings   QS2 Kits and accessories
QS Figures, and animals      Lumber Yard    QS Houses & Structure Kits
QS Grandt-line windows, doors and architectural   QS Metal accessories

Special orders welcome. Please e-mail for orders and prices.
Please include your Shipping address and Phone on orders.

Lumber Yard
   STORE TERMS    Conversion Chart  Real Wood Paper  Supplies
 See Related Sites for more miniatures for sale.

All Photographs on this site are the property of Virtual Dollhouse and its advertisers. Anyone using the photographs without the permission of the owners will be prosecuted.
Home Page
: Virtual Dollhouse

Virtual Dollhouse Logo
Grace Shaw
5137 Hoffmanville Road
Manchester, MD 21102-2234
Orders or E-mail: