Lisa's One Inch Scale Whimsical Roombox, 2024
I had this project listed on my website but the page was lost.
However, I did have photos saved so this might not be as interesting as
the original was. |

I used some glass stones for the outside of the roombox. This is the
window end. The back doesn't have windows or doors. |

This is the door end. |

Living room with table and chairs from JBM Miniatures. |

Grace made the curtains. |

The rug is printed on fuzzy paper |

Grace made the china cabinet. She used a dresser from JBM that was made
incorrectly and turned it into a love seat. |

The chandelier was made from an old piece of jewelry with crystals and
candles. |

End view of love seat. |

Living room is furnished with the Wonky JBM sofa, chairs, and tables. |

The Wonky clock is a working clock. |

Grace helped design the whimsical end table. |

The cabinet is filled with silver and china vases. |

The lamp in the corner is working. |

The vase has single real stud earrings with real stones in them.

The game box was hand painted by Grace. |
There is a tiny non working lamp on the end table and the chandelier is
working and was made by Grace. |