Grace's Projects
Dedicated to the Glory of God |
Scale Tuscany House, Villa Campania
From a Karen Cary House kit |
Here I am again, doing a house
kit from way back when. Another Karen Cary house kit. I've been saving
them up for years hoping to have time to do them and finally, in this
slow, slow year of 2022, I have had some time to work on them. |

Front of Tuscany |

Outside views are not very interesting. |

Lots of vines on the outside. |

More interesting, flowers in flower boxes. |

The stair case coming down from the portico. Lots of flowers on the steps
and courtyard. |

The other side of the courtyard. Notice the ivy (leaves by SDK) growing up
the corner. It has approx 700 ivy leaves on that plant! |

I love the water fountain. I made most of the flowers in the courtyard
except for the white basket between the door and window. I got that in a
swap. Notice the banana tree in the corner. More about that later. |

The plant in the corner is supposed to be a Wisteria. I had the little
plastic grape like things that I thought are a close replica but if not
Wisteria maybe grapes? What do you think? |

I did some research of flowers in Tuscany and the pot of yellow ones are
supposed to be False Sunflowers that are popular there. |

Now about the banana tree. I had to take this photo upside down so you
could see the banana's growing on the tree. Yep, turned the camera upside
down so I could get them. |

Last court yard view from the top looking down. |

Over all back view with the lights on. And before you say it, I know the
light in the Living/dining room is too big. I thought about how to light
it a lot but by the time I thought of LED light it was too late to cut a
hole in the ceiling and recess it a bit. Next time, I plan to recess it as
much as possible. Maybe a smaller bead on it too. |

Unlighted Overall view. |

Portico. Forgive me for the next two. They are almost the same view but I
liked the way this one looked like it was dark out. |

Portico. Now it's daylight out. Don't ask me how I did that? Only think I
can think is different flashes. |

The portico looked like a nice place to relax. Most of the portico
furniture kits were from Karen Benson. |

I made the rugs from fabric I saw online. All the little foods were from
swaps I've done over the years. Notice the knitting in the rocker. that
was a swap too. |

All the pictures on the walls are scenes from Tuscany. I found the ones I
liked the most and made hung them on the walls. |

Notice the ice cream maker and ice cream on the table. One of the
ice cream bowls came with the ice cream maker. There were two but one took
off and I never found it again. I had to make another. Not as good as the
original but... |

Most of the other furniture like this bedroom were Karen Cary kits. I made
the all the pillows in the house. And yes, the mirror is supposed to be
like that. The rug and bed cover were also from fabrics I found online. |

The items on the chest of drawers are from swaps. |

A little closer view of the chest of drawers. |

There's a clock on the other bedside table but you can only see the very
top of it. |

The gape barrel was a swap. The vases in the buffet are from Nigh's
Pottery. |

I though I had the kit for the side table but when I opened it, it was a
kit for the bench seat. So I bashed it and made a side table for my dining
room. A little tricky but I think it turned out okay. |

Close up of the table. I made the little plates and the silverware are
from Robin Betterly which I sell on my site. |

A little better view of my side table. |

Overview of Living / Dining room. |

I cut the legs off the coffee table to make it the right height. |

Those are Karen Benson tables on the wall holding the shell collection. |

I used the bench seats for sofas. |

You can see the shell collection. I collected those in the Bahamas years
ago on a vacation. |
Well that's it for the Tuscany
tour. I hope you enjoyed it. Come back anytime for another look. I had
great fun doing this project and hope it
will bring good memories of Karen Cary back to you. We miss you Sister! |