Dedicated to the Glory of God |
Keep, A Wizard's House 2016
Dragon's Keep is a Wizard's House built from a house that was
given to Grace who rescued if from the trash heap. She completely rehabbed
it to be the home of her
Wizard doll (the last doll made by Marcia Backstrom before she passed on)
and his Garden Witch wife (doll also by Marcia Backstrom). It took Grace
several years to complete this project which was completed in June 2016.
The wizard, has a habit of failed experiments as shown in several of the
photos below.
This project took a beating when Grace got her nine kittens. They love
dollhouses and
discovered this partly completed project early on.
They got inside and dragged
furniture out. Ate half the of the gargoyles on the yard lights. Attacked
Mr. Dragon, and nibbled
on his toes. Grace had to put furniture back in the project with damaged
sofa legs, missing legs (replaced) on pharmacy shelves, completely
missing top decorations on
shelves (unable to fix). She had to make new toes for the Dragon, new arms
and wings for the gargoyles. All and all, project still turned out okay.
Click on photos for closer views. |

Dragon's Keep Front, with Garden Witch (Marcia Backstorm) getting ready to water her garden |

Slightly closer front view. Notice her Spider plant hanging from the
ceiling of the balcony. |

Right Side View, notice the spooky bush "grove. The bushes are inhabited
by "something." |

Left Side View, with sickly Banyan tree, Skull Well with bones in the
bottom which occasional float to the top. Dragon's snack on human parts. |

Catching a peek of the illusive Dragon on the Roof. You can just see the
benches on the balcony. |

Another view with the benches and illusive Dragon |

Skull Well. If you look closely you can just see some bones floating. |

Garden Witch's Mandrake Garden, made by Grace |

Another angle on the mandrake garden. Notice the bunny in the log and the
scarecrow. |

Close up of Mr. Dragon, created by Granny Rat, (Jane Ratcliff.) |

Managed to catch another shot of the illusive
Mr. Dragon |
Notice the smoke coming from Mr. Dragon's nose. |

Another view of the Garden Witch (by Marcia Backstom) and her Rock Tree, the gargoyle yard
lights and on the walk, the failed experiment of the spider/tomato plant. |

Failed black widow spider/tomato plant experiment. |

Closer view of spider/tomato plant, made by Granny Rat (Jane Ratcliff,) |

Another view of the Balcony. Notice the gargoyle statues, and the pot of
moss & spider plant hanging from the ceiling of the balcony. |
Now on to the interior of the Dragon's Keep. Some of the first of the
photos didn't turn out so Grace had to go back and take them over.
Jim had already installed the cover (cover by Jim Shaw) which could no
longer be taken off. If any of your have ever tried to take photos
through Plexiglas
you will understand the challenge to get a decent photo without the glare
of the flash off the Plexiglas. |

Witches Kitchen, with some experiments cooking on the right. You can see
the wizard's chair next to the door, with the tip of his spiked hat and
not shown are the fancy canes on the arm of the chair. |

Notice the hanging "ingredients" for Witches experiments. Also notice two
failed experiments from the Wizard, the dog and cat on the floor. Also the
baby pet dragon. Also notice the genie's lamp on the table with the genie
starting to appear. |

Dragon's Keep Living Room. Am apothecary cabinet in one corner and another
shelf in the other corner. Dragon lamps on the table. Pet mice in the
basket. |

Another view of Living Room. Notice another baby pet dragon playing on the
coffee table, the painting of ancestors on the wall. All ancestor
paintings are photos of Marcia Backstom dolls. |

A second view of the Living Room. More views of ancestors on the wall.
There's a fire in the fireplace. Also notice skull candle holders
throughout the house. There's a tiny box with the bones of the fairy on
the wall. |

On the second floor of the Dragon's Keep, is the Wizard's laboratory. He
has two work benches with experiments working. There are coffins with
skeletons in the corner. |

Wizard's laboratory, another view. Another baby pet dragon is getting into
the experiment on workbench two. |

Wizard's Library. He's experimenting with weightlessness. Another baby
dragon is on the floor and one getting ready to push one of his books off
the table. The wizard is the last doll Marcia Backstom did before she
died. |

Notice the dragon chair that the Wizard is sitting in. |

Wizard's shelf of spells and ingredients. |

And finally, the Wizard's & Witches bedroom on the third floor. Notice the
mummy in the corner. |

Another angle on the bedroom. |

Can you see the tiny baby dragon on the pillow on the floor? |

Spider web in the corner. |
Grace hopes that you have enjoyed your visit with the Wizard, his Garden
witch wife,
Mr. Dragon, all the baby dragons, the failed experiments, the many bottles
of spells
and ingredients. This was a long project but it was fun project.
Grace plans
another project sometime in the future... The witch's college. I wonder
how many
that project will take to complete?
Revised 6/27/2017 |